The Basic Ideas of Calvinism
At the request of the H.H. Meeter Center at Calvin College, revised and updated H.H. Meeter’s The Basic Ideas of Calvinism (Grand Rapids: Baker, l990), added a “Preface,” 11‑12 and three new chapters: “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” 173‑178; “Liberation Theology,” 187‑194; “Hope for the Future,” 195‑200. (Done with a grant from the H.H. Meeter Centre for Calvin Studies at Calvin College). “Weapons of Mass Destruction” reprinted as “The Christian and Total War,” in James Bratt, ed., Viewpoints: Exploring the Reformed Vision/Selected Readings (Grand Rapid: C.S.I. Publications, 1992), 360‑366. Purchase Here.
1990 Grand Rapids: Baker