Topic: ‘Islam’

Muslims and Evangelicals Form Joint Working Group to Tackle Extremism

“On April 20, members of the world’s largest Muslim organization and one of the world’s largest Christian organizations announced the creation of a joint working group to counter two threats to religious freedom and to society more broadly: religious extremism and secular extremism.
The Muslim participants represent the Humanitarian Islam, or Islam Nusantara, movement, which is rooted in the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), with an estimated 90 million followers, primarily in its home country of Indonesia.The Christian participants are from the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), which, due to the massive global growth of evangelicalism over the last century, has become one of the world’s major Christian bodies, drawing together over 600 million Christians in national alliances in 130 countries.”

Changes in Gambia Threaten Its Traditions Of Pacifist Islam

“Gambia’s draft constitution may further undermine its traditional Islam. The late, great Christian scholar at Yale, Lamin Sanneh, describes it in his magisterial Beyond Jihad: The Pacifist Tradition in West African Islam. Note the word ‘pacifist.’ Lamin was himself from Gambia and was a convert to Christianity from Islam, so he was also personally aware of the subject.”
Received thanks for the article from the Gambia Christian Council, who is now distributing it (on the day it was published).

Burning the Koran

(with Nina Shea)

Ambassador to Islam?

Among the Believers

(book review)

Living with Islamism

Islam’s Uncertain Future: Shari’ah is both less and more dangerous than you think

To Engage Moderate Muslims, We Must Understand Radical Islam

The Islamists’ Other Weapon

We Need to Talk about Islam

(with Nina Shea)

In The Media

Name of Video
Paul Marshall
Name of Video
Paul Marshall
Name of Video
Paul Marshall