Topic: ‘Religion Especially Christianity and Politics’

Warriors as Exemplars of Faith

The Disjunction of Liberal Theory and Liberal Polities

Following on the debates about “Liberalism,” (see my “Robert Kagan and the Many Meanings of Liberalism” above), I also published “The Disjunction of Liberal Theory and Liberal Polities,” stating that “the confounding of contentious liberal theories with actual concrete polities stems from the assumption that liberal democratic states are somehow the product of liberal theories.”

Robert Kagan and the Many Meanings of Liberalism

In this article, I want to address how Westerners, especially Americans, including Christians, are currently addressing politics. The level of discourse is now quite abysmal (much worse than even two decades ago). One major problem for many is that politics is reduced to a simplistic binary—liberal/non liberal—while Christians often lack any theory of the task of government.

Politicizing Religion?

On why it is commonly wrong to say that something is political (or social, or economic) not religious.

Politics and Democracy

The book is for the 100th anniversary of the Maluku church.

The Travails of Evangelical Politics

Politics and Religion Do Mix

Seeks to show how religion is nearly always intertwined with politics.

The Problem with Prophets: In Their Zeal for Social Change, some evangelical activists stand on shaky biblical ground,

Critique of common evangelical approaches to politics.

Jim Wallis’ Politics—Or Lack Thereof

Critique of common evangelical approaches to politics.

Iraq’s Worrisome Constitution

In The Media

Name of Video
Paul Marshall
Name of Video
Paul Marshall
Name of Video
Paul Marshall