Heaven is Not My Home: Learning to Live in God’s Creation
Since creation will be renewed, our Christian calling is fully to live in it. My most fun book.
1999 Nashville: Word
“Rights”; “Work”; “Power”; “Theonomy”; “Real Politik”; “Theocracy”; “Grotius”; “Tyrannicide,”
1995 articles in David. J. Atkinson and David H. Field, eds, New Dictionary of Christian Ethics and Pastoral Theology (Leicester, U.K.; InterVarsity Press).
Living Like Gerbils
April 26, 1992 Christianity Today
Calling, Work and Rest
This article was selected by Christianity Today in the “Ethics” category of the best theological articles in 1987.
1988 M. Noll and D. Wells, eds., Christian Faith and Practice in the Modern World: Theology from an Evangelical Point of View. Reprinted in J.I. Packer, ed., The Best of Theology, vol. III (Carol Stream: Christianity Today, 1989), 193‑212. Korean translation in Selected Essays (Seoul: InterVarsity Press, 1989), 28‑41. Selections in Together: A Journal of World Vision International, (March, 1986), 9‑14; Reformed Journal, (June, 1988), 9‑14: Third Way, (Sept. l990); Reforma, 2.0, Epocha/no.1 (1991), 8‑13 (In Spanish); James D. Bratt, ed., Viewpoints: Exploring the Reformed Vision (Grand Rapids: C.R.C. Publications, 1992), 178‑181 https://www.amazon.com/Viewpoints-Exploring-Reformed-Selected-Readings/dp/1562120247/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1543353520&sr=8-1&keywords=Viewpoints%3A+Exploring+the+Reformed+Vision; Poimen (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), (July/Sept., 1994), 9‑17. Published as a booklet by the Institute for Reformational Studies, Potchefstroom, l99l.(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans), 199‑217, 324‑328
The Shape of the Modern Work Ethic
1986 J. Peters, ed., Work in Canada (Waterloo: Interdisciplinary Research Seminar, Wilfrid Laurier University, 5‑2.
Work and Vocation: Some Historical Reflections
Sept. l980 Reformed Journal 30, no. 9, 16‑20
Vocation, Work and Jobs
1979 Labor of Love: Essays on Work (Toronto: Wedge). Reprinted in J.A. Bernbaum and S.M. Steer, eds., Why Work? (Grand Rapids, Baker, 1986) 15‑25. Korean translation (Seoul: Intervarsity Press, 1989), 29‑48.
John Locke: Between God and Mammon
March 1979 Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 12, No. 1
Letting the World Pass Us By
Sept - Oct 2010 Religion and Liberty